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It’s Opening Day!


Today should be a National holiday! It is better than Christmas. Every team is even in the standings, full of promise, and hope. The too-long and seemingly never-ending spring training is over. The games are played and records are kept that count in the history starting at 1:05 pm!

The wagering season may have already begun for those with futures or made wagers for today’s slate of games earlier than today, so our outcomes may not be known when the day is over. It is more important to enjoy the journey of an MLB season. It is a daily grind of 162 games played over 7 months! There are plenty of good days and bad. Those days are just part of it. How you handle those successes and failures will matter as you move along through the season. There will streaks where winning seems foreign and losing is what you meant to do. There are also those streaks where you get up and put your pants on, then money falls out because you can’t lose! The trick is to enjoy the season. Learn from failures and celebrate wins! We just don’t celebrate the good things in life nearly enough. An MLB season will give plenty of opportunities for both!

Early in the season, we will accumulate data. This is important as we want to be accurate from year to year. Players can get better with age (young developing guys) or they can get worse (aged veterans at the end of their rope). Each season will take on its own persona. We need to watch it. Study it. Learn the persona of this season and how it is unique from a season in the past. As the data accumulates, we will get more refined in our handicapping. This first week is a cautionary week. Do not lose your bankroll in the first several days! The second and third weeks are much better for us! Have some fun and test some theories in 1st week. When pitchers make their 2nd and 3rd starts, I have some tricks that will guide us to success. We need to hang in there until that time.

Early success or failure does NOT indicate a season-long path. I have won 20 of my first 30 wagers several times only to give it back. Stay on your path or follow someone with retrospective. It is important to learn and adjust strategies. There are 30 teams that play 162 games each for a total of 4,860 games. There are sides, totals, first 5 innings, and run line wagers we can make on any of those games. Our opportunities will be plenty. Our strategies need to vary as we grind through the days. Put in your homework. Being prepared is extremely important.

Winning is why we bet the games, but enjoy the ups and downs as this season will be unique in its own way. Celebrate at the end because if you can make it through an MLB betting season, you will be ready for football.

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Have a great Sunday & Best of Luck📈💵🥂

Jeff Dawson

CEO & Founder



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