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Wednesday Night NBA FREEBIE 🏀


Heading to South Beach for tonight’s game five Celtics @ Heat.. It’s now a best of 3, 2-2 currently, each team winning every other game. ECSI was high above courtside Saturday as the Heat came out blazing hot, shooting about 80% first period & held on.

Monday night, Celtics returned the favor, started game 18-1, they too never looked back. NBA playoffs have been nothing but blowouts, both East & West Conferences, no teams showing much resistance. At print, Celtics-1.5 , ML -125 & O/U 203.5

Now we are expecting over night money to continue to pour in on the Celtics 🍀easily reaching -2 or better. When they Zig, we Zag!!!

830pm #502 HEAT +2 our FREEBIE 🏀

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Always Invest & wager Responsibly 🤓

Jeff Dawson


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